
A little joy – made with a lot of love. That’s what theEATBar is all about: empowering people to rediscover the pleasure in eating.

Created by a speech language pathologist who saw families struggling to find satisfying food options for loved ones, theEATBar puts delight back on the menu.

A crunchy, melt-in-your-mouth meringue bursting with flavor and easy calories, it’s a sensory experience you won’t soon forget.

Not familiar with transitional foods? Transitional foods, like theEATBar, require minimal chewing and can be used to re-teach chewing skills with Level 5 (Minced-Moist), Level 6 (Soft & Bite-Sized) and Level 7 (Regular) diets, as defined by IDDSI (

Also available on AMAZON. Pack size 2 (12) count boxes (24 total bars) at $46.99.

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Four Meringue Flavors

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Customer Stories

“Brilliant, Kind, Considerate. What an Amazing Product!”

-Dawn H.

“Thank you so much for creating such a great product. This has been a game changer for us!”

-Ben W.

“My son LOVES these bars! Thank you so much for this fantastic product. Getting him to eat can be difficult but he devours these bars.”

–Paige A.

“This product single handedly brought joy to my Mom. Forever Grateful.”

–Teri A.

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